
Brambleberry & Lilac Jam Making and Kitchen Fun

Morning Sweet pea's,

I am hard at work filling the so-called old larder with loads of jams, jellies, compotes, dehydrated goods, and scrumptious treats. Some are to sell in the shop and others are to keep for me and my fam.
This year has been all about being prepared, less waste, and spending wisely.
This is such an improvement, I have finally cut down on food waste, which really bothered me; have developed a greater appreciation of how hard farmers and all the people who help them, work to get food to my table. Foraging has also opened my eyes to the bounty that surrounds and I am making good use of local ingredients by adding them to my bespoke line of wonderful products. I know I keep going on and on about the shop and all the stuff I am making, I cannot contain it! I am so enthusiastic, overjoyed, and totally psyched to open this little virtual place on Etsy and present what I have been labouring to bring you.

I have picked, processed, used fresh, frozen, made specialty steeping liquids, tested out, and played with ingredients-like a crazy kitchen mad scientist. Just because I can, because I wanted something different from the same old same, old on store shelves, and because I love to play with food flavs in the kitchen. Hence, some truly spectacular and truly unique items will be featured and I am sure you and yours will fall head-over heels for them!

Here are some of the things taking up my time these days:
 There's picking berries, which is quite a delicious task.
Then there is freezing berries and processing them for use in recipes:

Did I mention that my days have been starting at 6am and ending at about 5-6pm? Yeah, this canning stuff is serious! Quite the process, not for the faint of heart, time consuming, and must come from a place of love. Loads of patience and an ability to take frustrations and failures all in stride helps.
Picking apart flowers was actually not too bad when it came to lilacs, I made a special steeping liquid and froze what I could for later use. It has been a Godsend because now I can actually make more of these wonderful flavors that sell out so quickly. People are really into the lilac flavours of jams & jellies I produced, so inspiring!
The Brambleberry & Lilac is a hard-set jam, I did not expect it to be so popular, it sold out first when I tried selling my products the first time. The best part was tasting it myself, just to be sure, I checked a few times. I am only thinking of you, and my taste buds are happy to oblige. Heh heh.
So, now I move onto making some more Pineapple & Lilac jelly and then I move onto some truly spectacular stuff filled with bananas, plums, using pears, chai, apples, bananas, mango, rum, and more. I am making them all with great ingredients & love, so don't you worry.

More posts to come with some recipes and totes fun adventures and Jesus time too!
Don't forget to subscribe and let me hear from yah in the comments down below.
Take care, be well, love freely.

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1 comment on "Brambleberry & Lilac Jam Making and Kitchen Fun "
  1. Everything looks great! The two jams I received on my b-day are delicious! Thank you again😊
