Good & blessed Sunday morning,
It's been a big struggle as of late, I don't want to do a tale of woe post. I want to do a simple and sweet affirmative action post, and by the grace of God, I found exactly what I needed today.
Love, and a heart focused on that love; the One that it radiates from, giving myself permission to have it for my own happiness, and self care are the priorities.
There needs to be a shift and a retraining of my mind, laying down new tracks to hone in on self care.
This is a big step to tri-une health, (mind, body, & soul) and the balance so needed for wellness.
My mind has no difficulties wandering to negatives, actually it's become an embarrassingly awful habit.
I say, let's change the recording.
My focus for the next 7 days will be on these two affirmations. One will be a morning affirmation right along with the Lord's Prayer, so I don't forget to do it.
Here is that one-

This will be my evening affirmation to go along with my nightly prayers-

Let's be clear.
This is not about perfection, goals, pressure, or other people.
It is about my soul, taking back my thoughts, mindset, and loving this life God has blessed me with. It is all too easy to lose sight when you are experiencing more than your heart can bear, far too many obstacles, one too many setbacks, illness, devastating loss, an avalanche of fears and genuine disappointments, that lead the weary to a sense of unending hopelessness.
I have been mired down in the muck for far too long, today is a day that I am choosing to rest my weary head and rejoice in the miracle of being.
God finds you in these corners, where your spirit is tiled with loneliness and a longing that aches without ceasing. I woke up with a sadness and God sent me His word, the difference being, that today I allowed those words to reach me and be a comfort.
I happened upon Isaiah 10 and then 1 Corinthians 12, if you are reaching out, feeling downtrodden, wondering why, what your gifts are for or could be, needing something that can grant some clarity, read these sections in your bible.
I know it may not be what you want to hear, we have all been there at one time but just as someone who loves me reminded me, that it is not uncommon or unusual for faith to be at its lowest during trials, we must not lose all hope. This can be irritating and frustrating when your heart hurts in ways that humans cannot heal, sometimes it hurts more after hearing those kinds of words, but I am here to tell you from a place of love, that you need to grab this moment for all its worth. Let it's kindness seep into your wounded soul, let Jesus in again, God has been counting the tears, he now longs to hear your laughter and joy returned to you.
Remember the sound of a child's tinkling laugh? The one that bubbles up from pure, innocent, silly pleasure? You need to find that place again, you can't do it on your own, it's too hard and God knows that you need Him.
Lean, now is the time to lean on Him. Take a little itty bitty baby step, nothing more because I know and understand that it's too hard. If you can give yourself permission to take one small step, God will work His wonders, for you, in you, through you, and others.

On Spiritual Gifts:
All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it.
Here are some of the parts God has appointed in the church:
first are apostles,
second are prophets,
third are teachers
then those who do miracles,
those who have the gift of healing,
those who can help others,
those who have the gift of leadership,
those who speak in unknown languages.
1 Corinthians 12:27
I will not be defeated, like a phoenix, it is time to rise from the ashes.
I am the daughter of a King, I am loved, and I will not be denied happiness. Not at my own hand or the hand of others. This does not mean the absence of struggle, this means my attitude towards it is changing.
Say it with me, we begin a seven day journey to better habits, stronger faith, and loving ourselves so we can share the best we have to offer with the world.
I am too positive
To be doubtful
Too optimistic
To be fearful &
Too determined
To be defeated
God bless you...

This brightened up my day/night Kiki. Je t'aime fort mon cher cœur💌