Morning lovelies,
I am actually relaxing in my jammies as I write this because I am still recovering from my sleep schedule, hours being all off, travel fun, and all the happy entertainment that was, while I was away.
I know the blog has been quiet but now we get back to it and I am happy to say, it is time to play!
But first, a bit about my trip and some happy news...
Poppa Bear really spoiled his Mama Bear this past holiday season, yes, I got a ticket to fly to my hunny buns and there was some drama surrounding it, but I won't go into that craziness.
Needless to say, I made it and felt very blessed to have the holidays, and then some, with my sweetie.
Now, let me begin by saying that I, like an ass, accidentally glutened myself, shortly before leaving and it had a serious impact on my health. I was also exposed to major allergens, thanks to wall to wall carpeting, and I was hormonal. Top that with being burnt out from all the holiday craziness, bazaars/craft fairs, jam making, crocheting, general running around and work, that had started in August and didn't stop until the week I left; I also got sick on New Year's Eve, K.O.'d!
Yup, it was not my shining moment.
However, my Poppa Bear was a trooper, he was so kind, patient, calm, accommodating, took great care of me, and was super supportive.
Turns out my Poppa Bear had a grande surprise waiting for me:
We got engaged New Year's Eve, and a wretched head cold/flu symptoms did not dampen the moment at all! A few days later, when I was finally feeling better he also treated me to a mani/pedi; which I truly appreciated because it had been rough health wise, and the pampering did wonders for my psyche. He even chose the colours, yup, I gots me a keeper!

We got to go to some really fun spots, ate some seriously scrumptious meals, went to the movies-I finally saw the latest Star Wars film, and we went shopping for books, amongst other things.

That was some awesome dumplings from Blue Koi resto, which I will do a whole review on very soon!
We also went to Cafe Gratitude where we had delectable noms like these:
I have more on all that and the wonders of Missouri/Kansas city, but that is for other days. Needless to say, the holidays went by in a blur, gifts were appreciated/enjoyed, I spent a lot of time in recovery from all the health yuckies, and now we are moving forward with planning our wedding!
Christmas cookie tins were eaten up pretty quickly, the general consensus was that Lime Poppyseed Thumbprint cookies were boomtastic!
I was extremely happy because Cosy cookhouse featured my recipe for these limey gems on their instagram and blog, which was such a treat for me. If you want to try your hand at these, which were also my best and most popular sellers anywhere last holiday season, just click on the link here:
As for cosy cookhouse, here is the feature link, they veganified them and used their jam to replace my lime curd:

That's all for today, I am posting some yummies this week for you and your loves because Valentine's Day is on her way. Plus I will put up some posts for the 14th for those of you who are single, or just struggling with ideas.
Keep coming back, thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to subscribe!
Awww spoiled lil Bratty McBratty!