Hello Beautiful Peeps!
As you can see Bien Confit! Sans Gluten Free, has been busy, out and about, showcasing and selling our products at lovely Finnegan's Market. We did two weekends in a row and were going to go once more because the season goes until October 22 but we have decided to take a step back. The reason being, is that we are uber busy with securing and preparing for all the holiday markets, craft fairs, and bazaars that we are to be a part of this coming November and December. If you notice me saying we, I have a new business partner. We are doing these places mostly together, and have decided that as she does pre-packaged gift sets and items, and I am artsy fartsy crafty and a Chef who specializes in gf, vegan, paleo, and whole foods; well we decided to jam! (Pardon the pun!)
I am doing this with Lady T, we have a 20+ year knowledge of one another's quirks, are great at what we do, great at what the other is not good at, and I needed a way to make this work while she needed a way to feel good about the whole concept as someone cheered her on. We have learned a lot after our market stints, and are incorporating those lessons to hone and streamline our offerings.
This was the Bien Confit! Gluten Free table, the response to the look and flavours was phenomenal once again, and I figured out that less is more when it comes to initial choices. It's exciting when you create bespoke items that are delectable; and you want to share all that with the world, the only problem is that too much of even a good thing can be too much. This has been a steep and fast learning curve, that is another reason I have held off on opening Etsy too soon. I am seriously considering a very scaled down shop for this first year and then expanding as time, finances, product availability, and demand dictate.
This was Lady T at first hour, it was warmer than the week before with a few cool spots. The people were interested but there was more browsing than buying at many of the vendor kiosks we spoke with. Cinnamon buns and bread are very popular items btw, along with raspberry jam and spiced tipsy banana sauce. Btw, if you ever plan on selling at markets, make sure that you have one of those top tent stall thingy's (se above pic). It really makes a difference to the professional look of your make-shift shop.
Pies went over well, and the cutesie fall packaging was greatly enjoyed.
Buttermilk biscuits were a hot and handy quick grab item that people liked, I am seriously thinking of packaging this mix for the holidays and including it as part of a gluten-free breakfast basket gift set.
Kind of along these lines:

And healthy Get well sets, along with handmade crochet chunky scarves and even vegan basket sets!

Anywhoodles, I am off to work/play at getting all of this dynamic and delicious stuff organized and together. There are recipe posts coming this week and the weeks to follow, I apologize again for problems with the blog-they will be taken care of as soon as the Etsy shop is opened. I will also list a calendar of all the events and locations Bien Confit! Sans Gluten Free & Solutions Deux Chemins (Lady T's solutions & consulting business for gift needs) will be. This way, if you are in Montreal and surrounding area, you can drop by and pick up loads of great gifts for the holidays, pre-order gift sets and baskets to be delivered, along with getting stuff to treat yourself. Pics and links will all come, keep checking in. I am beyond excited and feeling truly blessed.
Take care, be well, love freely.
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