Morning Folks!
That top pic is not mine but it was so purdy, I hads to shares!
Bad grammar aside, I am having some funventure's in homesteading. This week has been busy busy!
Our neighborhood has become a fragrant lilac wonderland and I am taking full advantage. The other day I had walked and they were just starting to bloom, so I grabbed a few an enjoyed them as I ate my breakfast and read.
We filled two huge bowls and fit it into a large plastic bag, which I gently closed and placed in the fridge overnight to keep them fresh and happy until I could start processing them today. It promises to be a long task but I saw some pics for lilac jellies on Pinterest, and have decided I must make some!
Today is all about lilac petals and taking care of our little pooch, The Rockstar aka Rocky. He had a bit of vet drama yesterday and was not well for the last 4 days. I am happy to report that he is right as rain and in full recovery mode. Plus he's still a cutie and very loveable-vet says there is no cure for that!
Oh well, guess we just have to keep him. Heh heh.
Here he is all snuggled in between my legs and nestled in the blankets, as I write this post.
Mom, why are you disturbing my sleeps?
Yeah, tough life alright. He was not too interested in being awake yet, he started drifting back to sleep pretty quickly.
Happy burrfday beautiful!Je t'aime fort Kiki😍❣